Did you know that email marketing tools can yield an average return of $36 for every $1 spent? At the forefront of this profitable field are the best newsletter platforms, shaping how we connect with our audience.

Picture this: Your tailored and timely message lands in your subscriber's inbox. It's a conversation starter and a relationship builder. But the key lies in choosing the best newsletter software for your needs. Whether you prefer the intuitive ease of SaaS solutions like Mailchimp or the bespoke flexibility of self-hosted platforms like MailWizz, the perfect fit is out there.

Blue email notification icon on a keyboard key, symbolizing digital communication and newsletter management

This guide provides an insider's view of each email marketing service, its strengths, and how it can align with your goals. By the end, you'll be equipped to make a choice that could redefine your digital strategy.

What to Look For in an Email Marketing Platform

When searching for the best newsletter platform, there are several key factors to consider:

  • User-Friendly Interface: A platform should be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for beginners.
  • Customization Options: Look for platforms that offer a range of templates and customization tools to align with your brand.
  • Integration Capabilities: The best platforms seamlessly integrate with other tools and services you use.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Insightful analytics are crucial for tracking the performance of your newsletters and understanding your audience.
  • Reliable Deliverability: Ensure the platform has a strong reputation for high email deliverability rates.
  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can grow with your business and handle increasing volumes of emails and unlimited subscribers.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Consider the pricing structure and whether it aligns with your budget and the value it provides.

SaaS vs. Self-Hosted Newsletter Platforms

This table outlines the fundamental differences between SaaS and self-hosted newsletter platforms, helping you decide which type aligns best with your needs and capabilities.

AspectSaaS Platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign)Self-Hosted Platforms (e.g., MailWizz, Sendy)
HostingHosted on provider's serversInstalled on your own server
Ease of UseGenerally more user-friendlyRequires more technical expertise
MaintenanceHandled by the providerRequires self-management
SupportOften includes extensive customer supportLimited to community or paid support
CustomizationLimited compared to self-hostedHigh level of customization possible
CostSubscription-based, can be costly over timeOften a one-time purchase, cost-effective
ControlLess control over data and processesFull control over data and email processes

The Best SaaS Email Marketing Software

1. Mailchimp

Mailchimp - Take your email marketing to the next level mailchimp.com

Mailchimp is a well-known email marketing name and a full-fledged marketing hub. It's particularly user-friendly, making it a popular choice for beginners. However, weighing its comprehensive features against its cost is essential, especially for more straightforward newsletter needs where you may not need all the features.

  • All-in-One Marketing Platform: Mailchimp is a complete marketing hub, not just an email newsletter tool.
  • User-Friendly: Its ease of use is a significant plus, especially for beginners.
  • Ready-to-Use Templates and Reports: You get a variety of email templates and insightful reports to guide your campaigns.
  • Smart AI and Automation: The platform offers improved AI recommendations and automation tools to streamline work.
  • Free plan Available: Mailchimp's respectable free tier is great for starters.
  • Limited Features in Lower Tiers: The more affordable plans offer fewer features than they used to.
  • Can Get Pricey: Mailchimp’s paid plans can become relatively expensive compared to other options as you scale up.
  • Account Suspension: Your account can be blocked without further notice.

2. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign main page activecampaign.com

ActiveCampaign stands out in email marketing, especially for its automation prowess. But its more advanced features might be more than you need for running simple newsletter campaigns. Let's break down what it offers and where it might be too much.

  • Automation Power: ActiveCampaign lets you craft complex email sequences easily. This is great for engaging newsletters.
  • Solid Deliverability: Your newsletters are more likely to hit inboxes, not spam folders.
  • Many Integrations: With over 900 options, it connects well with other tools you might use.
  • Easy to Use: Despite its depth, the platform is user-friendly.
  • Too Complex for Some: If you want just a primary newsletter tool, ActiveCampaign might overwhelm you.
  • Costly: It's pricier than simpler options, which might not make sense if you only send newsletters.
  • Pricing Can Confuse: Figuring out the best plan for you can be tricky due to its complex pricing.
  • Account Suspension: Your account can be blocked without further notice.

3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact main page constantcontact.com

Constant Contact has long been a go-to tool for email marketing strategies, especially for beginners, due to its convenient features. Like a vast library of email templates and straightforward analytics. With plans starting at $12 per month for up to 500 contacts, it's a mid-range option in terms of pricing. Let's see how it performs specifically for newsletter campaigns.

  • Beginner-Friendly Interface: Its simplicity makes it ideal for those just starting with newsletters.
  • Rich Template Selection: A large collection of email templates, along with a drag and drop editor, helps you quickly create appealing newsletters.
  • Integrated CRM: The built-in CRM system is handy for managing subscriber relationships.
  • Clear Analytics: Easy-to-understand analytics are great for tracking newsletter performance.
  • Limited Customization: Customizing templates for unique newsletter designs can be challenging.
  • Higher Cost for Large Lists: The price is based on how many subscribers you have. It increases significantly as your email subscriber list grows.
  • Dated Template Designs: Some templates may feel outdated for modern newsletter aesthetics.
  • Email Send Limits: Unlike some competitors, there's a cap on how many emails you can send.
  • Account Suspension: Your account can be blocked without further notice.

4. AWeber

AWeber main page aweber.com

AWeber, an email marketing veteran since 1998, offers a range of features for newsletter campaigns. Known for its user-friendly interface and robust template selection, it's a solid choice for beginners and experienced marketers. Here's a focused look at its strengths and limitations for newsletter creation and management.

  • Free Plan Option: AWeber's free newsletter software is a great starting point for small-scale newsletter projects.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is straightforward, making designing and sending newsletters easy.
  • Varied Templates: Offers a wide selection of templates for newsletters, enhancing design options.
  • Strong Customer Support: Known for excellent customer service, AWeber ensures reliable assistance.
  • Cost for Unsubscribed Contacts: You'll pay for unsubscribed contacts stored in your account, which can add up.
  • Basic in Marketing Automation: AWeber's marketing automation features are relatively basic compared to others.
  • Account Suspension: Your account can be blocked without further notice.

The Best Self-Hosted Newsletter Platforms

Man subscribe to newsletter Courtesy of Canva/Kaspars

1. MailWizz

If you're venturing into newsletter campaigns, MailWizz could be your go-to solution. It stands out with its one-off purchase cost, making it an attractive alternative to the usual subscription models. While it's user-friendly and regularly updated with new features, you should be prepared for some technical aspects, especially during setup, but nothing the support cannot help with.

  • Affordable: MailWizz offers an economical solution for your newsletter needs, especially when combined with services like Amazon SES.
  • User-Friendly Interface: You'll easily navigate its straightforward interface, streamlining your newsletter creation and management.
  • Frequent Updates: You'll enjoy the latest features and improvements, MailWizz gets regular updates and bugfixes.
  • Flexible for Various Uses: Whether you send newsletters occasionally or regularly, MailWizz meets your diverse needs.
  • Customization: You can tailor MailWizz extensively to meet your specific newsletter needs.
  • Features: Huge number of features for which you'd have to pay otherwise when using different newsletter software.
  • AI Assistant: The integrated AI Assistant extension will help you craft your best campaigns.
  • Suitable for High Volume Senders: A demonstration of MailWizz's High Volume sending capabilities.
  • Technical Skills Needed: Configuring MailWizz for best experience requires technical skills.

2. Sendy

Sendy main page sendy.co

You'll likely come across Sendy if you're exploring a self-hosted email marketing tool for your newsletters. It's a PHP script that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) to send newsletters from your server. This approach gives you full control over your email list and can significantly reduce costs compared to standard services like Aweber or Mailchimp.

  • Cost Savings: Sendy's one-time fee, combined with Amazon SES's low rates ($1 per 10,000 emails), makes it a highly cost-effective solution for sending newsletters, especially if you have a large subscriber base.
  • Full Control Over Your List: With Sendy, you manage your email list on your server, giving you complete control and privacy over your subscriber data.
  • Simple Email Campaigns: If your newsletter needs are straightforward, Sendy's no-frills approach lets you quickly create and send campaigns.
  • Technical Setup Required: You'll need to install Sendy on your server and set up Amazon SES, which can be daunting if you're not technically inclined.
  • No Built-in Email Templates: Unlike many other platforms, Sendy doesn't offer pre-designed email templates, meaning you'll need to source or create your HTML email templates.
  • Support Limitations: While there's plenty of documentation and community support, Sendy doesn't offer the same personalized customer service as some other platforms.
  • Not Suitable for High Volume Senders: Sendy is best used for low-mid volume sending.

3. Mautic

Mautic stats mautic.co

Mautic stands out in email newsletters due to its open-source nature, allowing for extensive customization. However, this also means you'll need a good understanding of technical details to make the most of it.

  • Community Support: A large user and developer community offers a wealth of knowledge and troubleshooting help.
  • Integration Capabilities: Mautic integrates well with various digital marketing tools, enhancing its utility.
  • Advanced Features: You can access sophisticated tools like lead scoring and detailed analytics.
  • Technical Expertise Needed: Setting up and customizing Mautic requires more technical knowledge than many standard platforms.
  • Resource Intensive: Mautic can demand significant server resources, especially for larger operations.
  • Not Suitable for High Volume Senders: Mautic is best used for low-mid volume sending.

Women stands in front a laptop Courtesy of Canva/Rido

Why MailWizz Might Be Your Best Choice

As we've explored various newsletter platforms, each with its unique strengths, it's clear that the choice often boils down to specific needs and preferences.

However, if you're leaning towards a solution that combines a proven track record, flexibility, comprehensive features, and reliable customer support, MailWizz is a particularly compelling option.

Decade-Long Reliability: With over 10 years in email marketing, MailWizz has stood the test of time. This longevity is a testament to its reliability and the trust it has built among its users.

Unmatched Flexibility: Whether you're a small business starting out or a large enterprise with complex needs, MailWizz's flexibility ensures it can adapt to your specific requirements. This means your email marketing campaigns will never outgrow the platform.

Rich Feature Set: From advanced analytics to customizable templates with convenient intuitive email editor, MailWizz offers comprehensive features that cater to basic and sophisticated newsletter campaigns. This feature richness means you can start simple and scale up as your needs evolve.

Stellar Customer Support: One of the critical aspects of any service is the support behind it. MailWizz's customer support is known for being responsive and helpful, providing peace of mind, especially for those new to email marketing or self-hosted platforms.

Check the demo to understand better why MailWizz is the best newsletter platform for you.

FAQs About Email Newsletter Platforms

What is an email newsletter platform?

An email newsletter platform is a tool or software used to create, send, and manage email newsletters. These platforms offer features like template designs, automation, analytics, and subscriber management to help businesses effectively communicate with their audience.

Why should I use an email newsletter platform?

Email newsletter platforms streamline the process of email marketing, providing tools for creating professional emails, managing subscriber lists, automating campaigns, and analyzing performance, ultimately enhancing engagement and ROI..

What's the difference between SaaS and self-hosted newsletter platforms?

SaaS platforms are hosted by providers, user-friendly, and come with customer support, but can be costly over time. Self-hosted platforms are installed on your server, offer high customization and control, but require technical expertise and self-management. Asses your needs and factor in future growth to determine which is the best email marketing tool for you.

Which is better: SaaS or self-hosted newsletter platforms?

It depends on your needs. A SaaS platform is an ideal email tool for those seeking ease of use and support, while a self-hosted platform is better for those needing customization, control, and cost savings over time.

What are the cost considerations for choosing an email newsletter platform?

SaaS platforms typically charge monthly or yearly subscriptions, which can add up over time. Self-hosted platforms often have a one-time purchase cost, but you may need to factor in server and maintenance costs.

Are there free email newsletter platforms available?

Yes, many platforms like Mailchimp and AWeber offer free plans with limited features, suitable for small-scale or beginner users.

Can I use multiple email newsletter platforms simultaneously?

While possible, it’s generally not recommended due to the complexity of managing multiple systems. Consolidating your efforts into one platform can streamline your processes, reduce errors and is all-round just a better email marketing strategy.

Do you have questions?

We're here to help, please contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible.