
Learn how MailWizz can integrate with SendGrid to deliver your emails.

How To Integrate MailWizz + SendGrid

Send emails by connecting MailWizz to your SendGrid account either with the regular SMTP interface or with the API system. The SendGrid API integration is much faster, therefore we suggest always using that system when possible because it will return much better results.

When using the SendGrid API integration, MailWizz will also register a webhook endpoint to SendGrid which will be later used by them to send the bounces and complaints created by your campaigns. As a result, bounce and complaints processing will be done automatically for you.

MailWizz integrates with many providers so you can get free email marketing.

  • Amazon SES's logo
  • SendGrid's logo
  • MailGun's logo
  • SparkPost's logo
  • ElasticEmail's logo
  • PepiPost's logo

MailWizz + SendGrid Tutorial

We have created a step-by-step tutorial in order to show you how easy it is to connect SendGrid and MailWizz for email delivery, it just takes a few minutes to get started.

SendGrid FAQS

What is SendGrid?
SendGrid entitles itself as being the world's largest cloud-based email delivery platform.

What Features Does SendGrid Offer?
Along with delivering emails, other SendGrid features include dedicated IP addresses for building a solid sender reputation, email validation, sub-user management and insightful analytics.

How Can I Connect To SendGrid?
In order to help deliver their customers emails, SendGrid allows regular SMTP connections to their platform, but they also offer a very powerful API system which can be used by 3rd-party email marketing software, like MailWizz. This allows users to connect and deliver thousands of emails very fast.

Is SendGrid Expensive?
SendGrid has a price plan for everyone. There is a free plan that allows users to send 40,000 emails in the first 30 days, and then 100 free emails each month. If that's not enough, their pricing structure includes 40,000 emails each month for $14.95/mo or 100,000 emails each month for $89.95/mo. Depending on the paid plan you choose, you get access to other features, such as delivery optimization tools, email validation, dedicated IP, and support tickets access.

How Our Customers Utilize SendGrid

The MailWizz-Sendgrid integration is fantastic! As a small business owner, I don't have a lot of time to devote to managing my email marketing campaigns. The Sendgrid integration with MailWizz allows me to quickly and easily send emails to my subscribers, and the reports provide me with valuable insights into my email campaign's success.

- Sarah Lee, Small Business Owner

Do you have questions?

We're here to help, please contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible.