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Adding custom configuration params.

The custom configuration file is apps/common/config/main-custom.php and by default it has this content:

return array(

    // application components
    'components' => array(
        'db' => array(
            'connectionString'  => 'mysql:host=__host__;dbname=__dbname__',
            'username'          => '__user__',
            'password'          => '__pass__',
            'tablePrefix'       => 'mw_',
    // app params
    'params' => array(),

If you don’t have the ‘params’ section like shown above, make sure you add it like above.

Next, if we need to add custom params, we add them in the ‘params’ section like:

return array(


    // app params
    'params' => array(
        '' => 'the custom params value',