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How do I change the email headers prefix?

MailWizz uses the X-Mw- header prefix for all the email headers. For instance, an email header section will look like:

X-Mw-Campaign-Uid: tf833t6s9z842
X-Mw-Subscriber-Uid: ts4196dhvl2ff
X-Mw-Customer-Uid: qt449zobz7696
X-Mw-Customer-Gid: 0
X-Mw-Delivery-Sid: 11
X-Mw-Tracking-Did: 0

These headers are important because they are later used to identify the campaign / subscribers when bounces are processed.
However, you might want to use some other header prefix for various reasons, and you can do so by adding following line:

 'email.custom.header.prefix' => 'X-Whatever-',

the file apps/common/config/main-custom.php in the params section as follows:

return array(

    // application components
    'components' => array(
        'db' => array(
            'connectionString'  => 'mysql:host=__host__;dbname=__dbname__',
            'username'          => '__user__',
            'password'          => '__pass__',
            'tablePrefix'       => 'mw_',
    // we add it here
    'params' => array(
        'email.custom.header.prefix' => 'X-Whatever-',

Instead of X-Whatever you can use the right header prefix that makes sense to you.
Please keep in mind that once you change the prefix, any bounce email having another prefix will not processed.