Common Issues

Common issues with MailWizz
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What are the cron jobs that I have to add?

Here is the current cron jobs list that you need to add

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When using WEB API delivery servers, bounce processing doesn’t work

This is a guide to debug bounce processing for the WEB API Delivery Servers

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My campaigns don’t send, they’re stuck in “Pending-Sending” status

When this happens, most likely the cron jobs are not running

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The performance flags

There are some flags you can define to disable some of the features of the app (like logging) to improve performance

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Understanding email delivery settings and how they impact performance

Since there seems to be a huge misunderstanding related to how delivery settings should look like, I think a good...

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What Cron Jobs are, why do I need to add them and how?

What Cron Jobs are, why do I need to add them and how?

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Why do I get this error - email delivery is temporary disabled?

The error "Email delivery is temporary disabled." is specific to the following situations.

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