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Enable campaign geolocation tracking for opens

In order to enable geolocation tracking for opens, to show you a breakdown of the countries that open your emails, something like:

You have to follow a few steps.

1. Go to Backend > Extend > Extensions and enable the MaxMind Location extension.

2. Once the extension is enabled, click on it to set it up, the setup screen should look like:

3. Using the MaxMind location extension requires you to load the maxmind ip location database, so go to Backend > Locations > MaxMind Database and follow the steps from the page:

Basically you just have to download the maxmind database and place it in the right folder.

Doing all the above means your system is now ready to track the ip location of your subscribers and translate it in meaningful data which you can use in stats.
Now, by default campaigns will not show the Campaigns Geo Opens graph, that is a feature you can enable for all customers or for certain groups of customers.
To enable the feature for all customers, go to Backend > Settings > Customers > Campaigns and set “Show geo opens” to Yes.
Do the same for any customer group you want to see this graph.

Let’s say this feature is enabled, but there are records in your database that are not having this information completed. MailWizz is having a command line that will help you update the older records.
Here is what you have to do:

1. Edit the list custom fields and be sure to have a field of type Country with the default value set to [SUBSCRIBER_GEO_COUNTRY]. Also a text field having this default value will work.

2. Run this command:

php -q /YOURWEBROOT/apps/console/console.php sync-lists-custom-fields --verbose=1

It will take a while for the command to complete. In the end, the subscribers country fields will be completed based on their IPs.