General Info

General information about MailWizz functionality
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MailWizz and GDPR

GDPR comes into effect starting 25th of May 2018 and you should be prepared for it

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Where do I find my API info?

In order to integrate MailWizz with 3rd-party apps or any custom apps

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Recurring Campaigns

One great feature of MailWizz is recurring campaigns, which means you can set it

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Email Box Monitors

An email box monitor is simply an imap/pop3 account, just like a bounce or feedback loop server

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What license do i need?

MailWizz is offered under two licenses

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Timewarp is a feature that schedules email campaigns based on each individual subscriber’s time zone.

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Performance improvements

Here are a few things you can do to improve the performance of your MailWizz app.

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Using Redis for cache and mutexes

Since MailWizz 1.5.0 is possible to use Redis for the cache and mutex components

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I am receiving unsolicited emails from MailWizz!

Here at MailWizz, we send emails rarely and always only to our own customers that bought MailWizz

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Support policy

Here at MailWizz we really try to offer the best support for our customers, and we believe we achieve this goal most of...

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Why do I get the “License error!” error and my app goes offline?

You get this error for a few reasons, as follows

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Why do I need to enter the license information when installing MailWizz?

When you install MailWizz, you are required to enter a valid license info

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