General Info

General information about MailWizz functionality
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Why my campaign comes from a wrong email address?

By default, MailWizz does not allow FROM spoofing.

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Editing templates gives a 403 Forbidden Error

This happens because your web server, most likely apache, has mod_security enabled

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MySQL / MariaDB Optimisations

This article describes various MySql/MariaDB configuration adjustments that will speed up MailWizz big time

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Update failure - Missing database table or columns

While updating you can get an error like missing database table or columns.

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How do I see what email a subscriber received after the campaign has been sent?

If you go to your campaign overview, clicking on the number of recipients will redirect you

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Campaign activity map doesn’t work

The extension that will put opens, clicks and unsubscribes on a google map is called Campaign Activity Map

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Redirect the subscriber to a custom thank you page after subscribe

In order to redirect the subscriber to another page than the default one from MailWizz after he subscribes

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The upgrade timed out and now I have missing columns in the database

If during the upgrade process you get a timeout it is because your database is just too big.

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Enable the use of temporary queue tables when sending campaigns

The main issue we have with huge MailWizz apps is that the campaign_delivery_log table becomes huge

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How do I edit the email list pages (subscribe, unsubscribe, profile page, etc)?

When we talk about list pages, we are talking about pages like Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Profile page

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Where is my subscription page?

In MailWizz, each email list has it’s own pages that you can edit and customize according to what your list represent

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Adding custom configuration params.

Adding custom configuration params.

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