General Info

General information about MailWizz functionality
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How to add delivery servers for an individual customer?

You need to go to Backend > Settings > Customers and select the Servers tab

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Enable installer debugging

Sometimes the install process might give you headaches, though this is extremely rare, it seems it can happen

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Decide what template tags are required

Decide what template tags are required

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How to add custom email footers for all emails?

Sometimes you might need to make sure all the emails that go out will contain a certain email footer

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How do I change the email headers prefix?

MailWizz uses the X-Mw- header prefix for all the email headers

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Why do I get “[Message clipped]” when viewing the campaign email?

This happens because of your browser extensions usually

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Setup guide for the “Subscribe by email” extension

After you have installed the Subscribe by email extension, it’s time to set it up properly

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Understanding how the sending quota and limits work

Understanding how the sending quota and limits work

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Install extension

MailWizz extensions are packed in zip archives, so in order to install a MailWizz extension, you have to

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Using Sparkpost, I get a “Forbidden” error message when I try to validate the delivery server

Using Sparkpost, I get a “Forbidden” error message when I try to validate the delivery server

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Archive campaigns delivery logs

Since MailWizz stores a lot of data, there is one table in particular that will grow very much.

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Where do I find my subscription form?

In order to find your list subscription form, you have to navigate to your customer area

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