General Info

General information about MailWizz functionality
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Migrating MailWizz to a new server

In order to move MailWizz from a server onto another, you’ll have to first create a backup of your files and database

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Nginx server basic configuration for MailWizz

If you need a very advanced/optimised nginx configuration, you’ll find one here

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Process regular campaigns and autoresponders separately

By default, MailWizz will process both, regular campaigns and autoresponders in the same time.

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Update MailWizz from the web interface.

Quick video showing how to update MailWizz from the web interface

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Upgrade steps

Before starting the update process, make sure you backup your files and database

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What folders have to be writable by the web server?

Note - we use 0777 for permissions because this is what works on most hosting accounts

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What tracking and sending domains actually are?

If you have MailWizz installed on and you send campaigns

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