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Upgrade steps


Before starting the update process, make sure you backup your files and database, this is very important.

You can also download the Backup Manager extension from CodeCanyon in order to ease the backup process.

If you are upgrading from MailWizz 1.x to MailWizz 2.x please read this article, it is very important. It contains a few notes and instructions you should know about when upgrading from MailWizz 1.x to MailWizz 2.x.
Once you have read it, you can come back to this article and follow the regular upgrade steps described here.

The upgrade process:
Make sure you download latest version of MailWizz and you don’t use the files from the same version you already have installed. MailWizz archives are numbered properly, like where X.Y.Z is the version number to which you will be upgrading to.
Unzip the archive that contains the MailWizz application. In it you’ll have two folders: update and latest. You’ll need the update folder.

1. Make sure you are not running any campaign when updating (pause them if needed)
2. Move your application offline from Backend -> Settings -> Common
3. Upload the contents of the “update” folder on your host, overwriting(don’t replace, but overwrite) the existing MailWizz files (the ones which you initially uploaded to install the app)
4. Point your browser to
5. Follow the update wizard

After the upgrade is done, make sure the needed folders are still writable by the web server. if you’re not sure what folders must be writable by the web server, please see this article.

Some FTP clients, such as Transmit for macOS(x) will replace your server files with the ones from your local folder. This is not the correct behavior, because the client will delete the files from the server then upload the ones from your local folder.

The correct behavior is to override existing files with the new ones, so please pay attention to the way the files are actually uploaded.
