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Upgrading notes for MailWizz 1.x to MailWizz 2.x

When upgrading from MailWizz 1.x to MailWizz 2.x there are a few things you need to do before starting the upgrade process.

#1. It is very important you backup your application, be it on your own or by using the Backup Manager.

#2. You need to disable all the extensions and themes you have added to the application. Please note that we're not talking about core application extensions but extensions you have bought or developed and added into the application.
You can do this from Backend > Extend > Extensions and Backend > Extend > Themes.

#3. If you are using a language pack other than english, you need to set your application default language to english. You can do this from Backend > Extend > Translations.
For best results, if your user (not customer) account is using a different language than english, edit it and make sure it also uses english.

Possible problems during/after the upgrade process:

#1. You started the upgrade process without disabling the extensions and now you cannot access your backend dashboard to do so. In this case, login via FTP and navigate to the apps/ folder and find the extensions folder and rename it to something else, say extensions-disabled. This should allow you to continue the upgrade process. Once the upgrade is done, rename the extensions-disabled folder back to extensions BUT not before you upgrade all your extensions so they are compatible with MailWizz 2.0.

#3. You started the upgrade process and you're using other language than english and now you're getting an error related to translations and/or missing translation database tables. You will have to login via FTP and open the file apps/common/config/main.php and locate this piece of code:

'messages' => [
    'class'                  => 'CDbMessageSource',
    'cachingDuration'        => 3600,
    'sourceMessageTable'     => '{{translation_source_message}}',
    'translatedMessageTable' => '{{translation_message}}',

and delete it. Simply remove it and save the file.
This should allow you to continue with the upgrade process. Once the upgrade process is done, simply undo your changes to this file, put back the code you just deleted, and save the file.

If you get any issue which hasn't been covered in this article, please create a support ticket and explain in details the problem and we'll do our best to help.