MX Record Lookup

Our MX Record Lookup tool will help you list your domain MX records and make sure they are correct.
Lookup your domain MX records
MX Record Lookup tools are essential for anyone managing email delivery systems. They allow you to query the Domain Name System (DNS) to find the Mail Exchange (MX) records of a domain, which are crucial for directing email to the correct server. Understanding MX records helps ensure emails are routed accurately and can assist in troubleshooting mail delivery issues.
{{ errors.domain }}
{{ }}{{ record.pref }}

Common MX Records FAQs

What is an MX Record?
An MX Record, or Mail Exchange Record, is a type of resource record in the DNS (Domain Name System) that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain.
Each MX record points to a mail server and includes a priority ranking, which determines the order in which mail servers are attempted for email delivery. This system allows domain owners to specify primary, secondary, and additional backup mail servers to ensure reliable email delivery.
How does MX Record Lookup work?
An MX Record Lookup queries the DNS for a specific domain to retrieve and display the listed MX records, which include the priority and mail server address. MX lookup tools can be used by administrators and IT professionals to verify configurations, troubleshoot delivery issues, or assess the email setup of a domain. The lookup helps in understanding how incoming emails are directed and processed by the domain’s email servers.
Why is it important to check MX records?
Checking MX records is vital for diagnosing email delivery issues, ensuring that your email server is properly configured, and verifying that emails are directed to the correct mail server.
Can MX Record Lookup help prevent spam?
Yes, performing an DNS MX Record Lookup can play a significant role in anti-spam measures. By verifying that a domain's MX records are correctly pointing to legitimate and secure mail servers, organizations can prevent spammers from exploiting their domain for sending unsolicited emails.
Additionally, it helps authenticate the email pathways, ensuring that incoming and outgoing emails are processed through trusted servers. This verification process is an essential step in implementing a robust email security strategy to protect against spam and phishing attacks.
How often should MX records be checked?
Regular checks aren't typically necessary unless you are troubleshooting mail delivery issues, making changes to email services, or conducting routine system audits. However, frequent checks may be beneficial for IT professionals managing large-scale email operations to preemptively identify and resolve potential issues.
Can a domain have multiple MX records?
Yes, a domain can have multiple MX records, which is a common practice for ensuring reliable and redundant email delivery. Each MX record, stored and managed on DNS servers, points to a mail server configured to handle emails for the particular domain and includes a priority level, typically numbered from 0 to 100.
The system of multiple MX records allows for the setup of primary, secondary, and tertiary mail servers, offering a fallback mechanism to ensure that emails are delivered even if one server becomes unavailable.
Is the MailWizz MX Lookup tool free?
Absolutely, the MailWizz team is delighted to offer you complimentary tools for both setting up and troubleshooting any email-related concerns.

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